
Rugendas lundu 1835 light

Love unto Death: The BRAZILIAN origins of the Fado


A sarau (soirée) of the Portuguese-Brazilian modinhas and lundus, which became a craze in 18th century Lisbon, and which are held as origins of the Portuguese Fado. Part of this repertoire has recently come to light and PHOENIX is a pioneer of its performance in Israel.


Works by Joaquim Manuel da Câmara, Antonio da Silva Leite, Marcos Portugal and Xisto Bahia, and pieces transmited by oral tradition.


Love and death


Macarena Lopez Lavin - soprano

Joca Perpignan (Brazil) - baritone and percussion

Omer Schonberger – baroque guitar

Myrna Herzog (Brazil) - rabeca, viola da gamba,musical direction.
